Honoring Bestselling Authors Across the Globe


Kat Tansey


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Kat Tansey

Ojai, California, USA


Bestseller Status: Confirmed

Organizational Change Expert Kat Tansey has been discovering the magic of midlife for more than 20 years — researching, writing, and teaching about women’s health and quality of life issues as she experienced her own often challenging journey through midlife and beyond.

In her late 40’s, Kat struggled with major health issues related to stress and exposure to toxins during a remodeling of her offices. She learned to meditate and wrote Choosing To Be as a way to find and develop a process that would help her regain her health and vitality.

Twenty years later, Kat was slammed with another wake-up call that led her to research and create a beta course for midlife women called Choosing To Be Fit. Developing and teaching this course helped Kat recover her health. Her students loved the course, but during this process Kat discovered there was a more important need that needed to be addressed first. This was the beginning of her work on Unshakable Self-Compassion.

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