Honoring Bestselling Authors Across the Globe


Kalynn Amadio


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Kalynn Amadio

White Plains, New York, USA


Bestseller Status: Confirmed


The Boomer Gal, Kalynn Amadio, helps entrepreneurs over 50 who want to start a new business or own a business they are ready to grow to the next level.


She works with people who are struggling with technology and feel like digital dinosaurs by personally guiding them across the technology bridge into the 21st century.


Her mission is to teach a million savvy boomerpreneurs how to succeed at building a thriving business and vibrant life. Kalynn is an over 50 baby boomer who is an expert in digital marketing including social media, blogging, video and SEO.


She is the creator and host of ACT LOCAL Marketing for Small Business podcast on iTunes® and author of the upcoming book, The Boomer’s Ultimate Guide To Social Media Marketing available March 2016 from Maven House Press.

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