Honoring Bestselling Authors Across the Globe


Judy Satori 


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Judy Satori

Auckland, New Zealand


Bestseller Status: Confirmed


Judy Satori is an author, Ascension teacher and conduit for Source/Creation energy. Her role is that of a Wayshower and activator of human potential by speaking energy words of New Creation from Source/God. These energy ‘Codes of Light’ support people to step into expanded human DNA capacity and is part of a divinely orchestrated Ascension upgrade process.

Judy is the author of Sunshine Before the Dawn, part of an ‘Ascension’ series.


She has co-created an online Ascension Library, This library houses hundreds of video and audio transmissions and information to support rapid consciousness expansion and personal empowerment, including a FREE EXPLORE section. The Ascension Library also functions as an online video webinar portal for ongoing Ascension upgrade and advancement energy transmissions. Judy’s current focus is personal and consciousness transformation and the teaching of advanced physical regeneration techniques.

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