Honoring Bestselling Authors Across the Globe


Sandra J. Clarke


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Sandra J. Clarke

Ajax, Ontario, Canada


Bestseller Status: Confirmed


I’m Sandra J. Clarke, author and co-founder of Master Your Words. This company began because, over the years, writer after writer has come to me and said, ‘I know the story’s inside me, but I can’t seem to coax it out’. They said their book would be done if only they had an uninterrupted block of time and a mountain cabin to escape to. Still others said they had a first draft completed, but don’t believe it’s good enough. (Insider secret here: it probably isn’t – yet. It’s only a first draft and they always suck.)

I’ve spent more than a decade taking advantage of every learning opportunity—master classes, workshops, retreats and conferences, and seriously pursuing my writing career. Some lessons stuck; others not so much. They all danced around the same message, but it was only when I came across that one person who spoke in a way I could relate to, whose brain was wired like mine, that it all clicked.

As a result of her teachings, I went on to become a columnist and regular contributor to several web-based magazines; wrote several award-winning novels; published multiple Amazon non-fiction best sellers; I’ve worked with multiple editors on the traditional publishing circuit, and sold my first novel to the first publisher I contacted—who responded within a month.

‘But how did you do it?’ they asked. ‘I wish you could just take me by the hand and show me everything you did’.

And that, my friends, is how Master Your Words was born. My motto in life is, whatever dream you’re chasing, find someone who’s excelled at what you want to do and follow the steps they took to get there. Imitation is the most sincere and welcomed form of flattery. So go for it!

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